Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Starbucks Strawberry Frapp now contains crushed up bugs?

The website thisdishisvegetarian.com reports Starbucks' Strawberries & Creme Frappuccino is not vegan, even if it contains soy, after a barista alerted the site that the company's new strawberry flavoring contains "cochineal extract" - which is essentially crushed up dried bugs used as dye.
(minus the whip cream of course)

-this drink use to be Vegan safe but now obviously is not

The news has also prompted some to point out that a whole lot of our food already contains cochineal extract - and has for quite some time. The FDA says the dye is safe and food and cosmetic labels must state if cochineal extract is present. That means it may be found in wines, yogurts, candies, fruit drinks, ice creams, ketchup, lipsticks, eyeshadow, nail polish - you name it.

or also thisdishisvegetarian.com

What do you think about this? Should companies have to put out signs so people know when a products ingredients change.Especially when something is known for being a vegan product and then overnight changes to containing a new substance?

You tell me what you think!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

In the News:Dangers you should know about!

I am by no means a doctor but I try to stay up to date on "What is good for me and my family" and the dangers of certain foods. As a vegetarian a lot of studies do not include me because I haven't had meat in 16 years. However, I love fitness and living a healthy lifestyle so I want to know answers when someone says "WHY" shouldn't I do this or that.

So here is the first article I wanted to share with you guys.  Why you shouldn't be eating red meat and especially hot dogs!

Eating red meat daily increases your chance of early death by 13percent. Eating processed meat everyday such as hot dogs or even just 2 slices of bacon can increase your chance of premature death by 20percent!

Oddly enough this quote came out 
‎"Hot dogs are part of a balanced diet." - Janet Riley, senior vice president of public affairs for the American Meat Institute. 
So please do your research, and find out the truth and do not rely on big corporations for your information!

It seems that they discovered replacing red meat with other foods such as nuts and legumes could decrease your risk of premature death by 14-19percent! 
In the US alone we spend 2.6 trillion on healthcare each year, maybe some of these small changes will save us that trip to the hospital for cardiac arrest,cancer,diabetes and so much more.

Please read these articles if you have specific questions!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A few books to consider

These are a few of my favorite cookbooks and just books in general that have helped me so far on my journey. I am not trying to push the veganism on anyone but this is what inspired me! I will do more in depth reviews on each book but please feel free to ask me if you have questions before then!

Please read this book, at least consider it for $10 on amazon.com 

Just got this book so I will be sure to let you know why I love it so much!

Naturally Fresh Spray Mist Deodorant-A Review


This is something that I wanted to try out after all the articles I had been reading about the dangers of our traditional deodorants. They are said to contain parabens and aluminum which have shown to lead to Alzheimer's and Breast Cancer.

I was always afraid that they would not work for me,and that I would hate them. I now it's silly to just assume that but I thought "yeah right" until I ran across this one. I thought why not let me try it, and so I grabbed it when I saw it on sale for $2.99 at my local health food store. 

I really enjoy this deodorant and it not only works but even with me working out in the heat it works. I just spray 2-3 pumps under each arm and go. I have not had one experience with it not working and it makes me feel good that I know it's natural and does not contain all those chemicals that could potentially lead to a scary disease.

This particular deodorant is available at Wal-mart and several other big box stores. So you can find the roll on, or the spray versions. If you give it a  try let me know what you think!

I bought this with my own money,and this is my honest opinion. 

Monday, March 12, 2012

A new blog...a breathe of fresh air

This blog will be an extension of my beauty blog but beauty from the inside. My life as a longtime vegetarian turned vegan.My journey to weight loss and just a healthier happier me.

Please stay tuned for recipes,books,ideas,pictures,and just join me on my journey.